Gum Disease Treatment
DePaoli Dentistry offers gum disease treatment to fight the disease-causing bacteria in your mouth and help you begin the process of regaining your oral health. There are a variety of treatments available, and our dentist will examine your entire mouth in order to develop a customized treatment plan that meets your unique needs. For more information about gum disease treatment in Fullerton and North Orange County, California, and to set up a consultation with Dr. Karen M. DePaoli, give us a call at (714) 441-2372.
Though few know it, the majority of people will have gum disease at some point in their life. What matters most is how you react after gum disease develops in your mouth. If you know or suspect you have gum disease, contact us at (714) 441-2372 to schedule an appointment. We provide non-surgical gum disease treatment performed with scaling and root planning. The dentist scrapes and removes plaque as well as tarter from the teeth along with the root surfaces. This is accomplished with the precise use of highly specialized dental instruments. The dentist smooths out any rough areas along the roots to stop bacteria from developing once again. If necessary, the dentist will apply a local anesthetic so you do not feel discomfort.
Once the process is complete, your gums will start to heal as they reconnect to the teeth. Additional options for gum disease treatment include pocket reduction procedures for especially severe periodontitis, laser therapy, gum grafts and regenerative procedures. Just be sure to act quickly if you suspect you have gum disease as the quicker you are treated, the better your odds are of saving your teeth and enhancing your overarching health.